Sunday, 20 May 2007

Build A Sales Machine: "Manufacturing" New Business

Link-> Build A Sales Machine: "Manufacturing" New Business

Sound sales management thinking here from Aaron in the US. Nice ideas, cogently expressed - perhaps a useful checklist for experienced sales managers, or a useful insight for those getting started in that role. Kinda wish I'd written it first!

Lichfield - a citizen's view

I think Lichfield is a fine place - with few downsides. Let me share my thoughts on this sunny and peaceful Sunday morning...


Not so good

  • Awful planning consents in the 80's/90's trashed too much of the City - getting better now
  • New build housing density much too high - building problems for the future?
  • Too many chains of naff teen alco-pubs and consequent Saturday night problems
  • Not enough political challenge to the Council
  • Over exposure of our MP, Michael Fabricant, smiling into the camera everywhere

Anyone else have a view?

Thursday, 17 May 2007

Powerpoint Presentations are Dead...

...long live the conversation and reputation....

But if you need to sweat some more value out of those powerpoint assets then try SlideShare

Friday, 4 May 2007

Staffing - Permanent v Contractors v Associates?

Associate employees.... I've an instinct that this approach to resourcing could be ideal. People can work flexibly, build their own profile and value, and I as employer get flexible resources levels and low HR overheads - and avoid the headaches and risks in permanent employees. It's different to contractors as I'll go back to the same people, we'll get to know each other, I'll invest in training and knowledge exchange, and care for my best associates so they come back. Does that all work or am I idealistic? Perhaps they won't be quite as loyal or committed to my business growth as permanent staff?

I'll let you know...!